Monday, March 16, 2009

It's FINALLY done (sort of)

Ugggg I gave up on piece # 10 five months ago and then two weeks earlier I picked it up and started it again. And I couldn't do it. So, I destroyed it. And remade it into this.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

follow up

Ostad Ali Asghar Tajvidi is referenced earlier. I like use of color and composition. I guess the main difference between us is that there's a lot going on in his pieces while I just focus on one thing at a time.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Refer to blog for understanding. Any work posted before Sept. 23 2008 is to be disregarded with respect to this post. All work posted on or after Sept. 23 2008 is to be given a number: starting with the last piece of the first post (that would be #1) and moving up from there. Any work by artists not myself is to be disregarded.
Pieces 2 and 5 are the basic examples of my theme. #2 has only one colored m and m (which is left up to interpretation) and #6 is a mouse and a mouse. Both of them are small, simply drawn works with an underlying idea.
Numbers 3 and 5 are also small (though took longer than most other works) and are a new way to look at a dollar bill. This also has an underlining idea: what would money do if it had a day off or even what does money o when it’s not being spent.
I also try to use different media (though paper remains constant) and #s 8-10 are examples (#8 is ink and oil pastel, #9 is a cut paper on cardboard, #10 is paper on paper). Though my work does not follow, I do believe that it’s important that every artist be (decently) proficient in every media. It keeps doors open. Numbers 12 and 13 are sad attempts at acrylic painting, but I am happy to have tried. A good artist has failed at everything at least once.
Piece 10 and ½ does not exist yet (which accounts for a major break in posting). I started it as a prism exploding and diffracting light at obscure angles. I spent two weeks on it but it proved to be too stressful and I put it away. Nevertheless it followed an idea: what would happen if a light diffractor was diffracted? It was a good idea and I will begin to finish it soon.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Idea of Concentration

I don’t agree with the statement that quantity is better than quality but, there is a simple and prolific aspect to my art. I try to work with more the ideas that the piece causes than the technical skill. Hence a higher quantity. I do a lot of work in pencil but color is our friend. Anything I draw, I usually add an object that is painted or color penciled or glued. Usually this adds to the idea. Teacher tells me to look into some Persian artists. I did. They do some spiraling stuff on smaller planes. The guy Ostad Ali Asghar Tajvidi does good work. But I base my art more on Edward Hopper and Henri Matisse.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

first acrylic painting in two years

needs some serious touching up, but i think it came out okay.
i'll keep practicing